Thank you for your participation in the SafePal Bitget campaign!
As one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, Bitget is on a mission to inspire individuals to embrace crypto and connect with the future.
And this article is a step-by-step guideline on how to login to the Bitget Mini-program in SafePal App.
The article contains the following steps:
Step1 Navigate to the Bitget Mini-program
Step1 Navigate to the Bitget Mini-program
Launch your SafePal App, navigate to the Bitget Mini-program in the SafePal DApp Store, and click the DApp icon.
Step2 Connect your wallet
Click the 'Wallets'.
Select one wallet account to connect to the Bitget Mini-program, click 'Agree'.
Step3 Sign the Authorization
Enter your App security password, and click ‘Confirm’
Step4 Complete
Congratulations! You have successfully connected your wallet with the Bitget Mini-program!