Thank you for your participation in the SafePal Bitget campaign!
As one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, Bitget is on a mission to inspire individuals to embrace crypto and connect with the future. This article shows how to deposit crypto in the Bitget Mini-program within the SafePal App.
The article contains the following steps:
Step1 Log in to the Bitget Mini-Program
Step2 Go to 'Wallets' and click 'Deposit'
Step3 Select the token you want to deposit
Step4 Select the token network
Step6 Confirm the deposit status
Step1 Log in to the Bitget Mini-Program
Step2 Go to 'Wallets' and click 'Deposit'
Step3 Select the token you want to deposit
Search for the token you want to deposit and enter the next step. In this tutorial, we will use $USDT as an example.
Note: 1. Win 10% cashback of your net deposit amount, up to 100 USDT awaits!
Step4 Select the token network
- Note 1: Make sure you choose the correct network for the deposit. Since blockchain transfers are irreversible, no one can retrieve the funds if it's mistakenly sent to the wrong network.
- Note 2: If the Memo is needed for the deposit, please ensure you enter the correct Memo when you deposit.
Step5 Initiate the deposit
- Use 'Direct deposit' to transfer the funds to your Bitget Mini-program from your SafePal wallet
- Manual transfer by copying the deposit address
Choose and click ‘From Wallet’
On the transfer page, enter the deposit amount( and the memo if needed), then confirm and sign the transaction
On the deposit page, copy both the address, enter them into the wallet you use to deposit and sign the transaction signature there.
Step6 Confirm the deposit status
When you complete the deposit, don't forget to go back to the 'Wallets' page and check if the deposit is successful.