Thank you for choosing SafePal!
SafePal Wallet is a secure cryptocurrency wallet that supports the storage and trading of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). And this article provides a step-by-step guide on how to sell NFT using the SafePal Software Wallet. Before proceeding to the next steps, you can take a look at some key security tips in this section to ensure the safety of your cryptocurrency.
- Step 1 Get prepared for the App
- Step 2 Create a listing order for your NFT
- Step 3 Approve your NFT
- Step 4 List your NFT for Sale
Step1 Get prepared for the App
The first step is to download the SafePal App from here, set up or upgrade the latest SafePal App V4.3.0 or above on your phone first, and create or import a wallet into the SafePal App.Step2 Create a Listing order for your NFT
Navigate to the NFT that you want to list for Sale. Click 'Sell' icon.If you don't see a "Sell" icon, that means that your NFT doesn't come from a collection available on any Marketplaces
Step3 Approve your NFT
Step4 List your NFT
Congratulations! You have successfully approved your NFT for sale in the marketplace. Through SafePal Wallet, you can easily list and sell your NFTs. Remember to understand and comply with the rules and terms of the NFT marketplace you are using before making any transactions to ensure safe and smooth trades.
Congratulations! You have successfully listed your NFT for sale in the marketplace(s).
Through the SafePal Wallet, you can easily list and sell your NFTs. Remember to understand and comply with the rules and terms of the NFTs' Marketplaces you are using before making any transactions to ensure safe and smooth trades.